Wednesday, January 28, 2009

The Disasters Darwinism Brought to Humanity (Part 4 of 5)

This documentary presents an aspect of the theory of evolution that has so far remained hidden. It unveils the ideological links between Darwinism and totalitarian ideologies like fascism and communism. You will see the fruits of Darwinism in the killing fields of Hitler, Stalin and Mao.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Actually, let me make some predictions:
- They're going to claim Social Darwnism, as practiced by Hitler, was created and supported by Charles Darwin.
- They're going to claim Hitler was into all sorts of crazy occult rituals and wasn't an aggressive Catholic.
- They're going to claim the Theory of Evolution is a trojan horse for both the modern world's 'evils' and pre-Judeo/Christian polytheism.

I hate it when I'm right. This is exactly the BS I was expecting.

And FTR, eugenics, like socialism, is a decent enough idea that has been horribly misapplied. It amazes me that outside of the academic community, eugenics is still singularly associated with the atrocities of Nazi Germany.

Speaking of demonisation; the makers of this doco have such a horribly rudimentary grasp of history. They couldn't even pronounce Frederich Engels' name properly, let alone accurately represent the views of half the people they've resourced for this hack-job of history.

And of course, religion has gone from having an implicit free-pass to an explicit one; not one mention of not only Adolf Hitler's Catholicism and the religious ravings of Mein Kamph (FTR, Mein Kamph doesn't refer to natural selection - Hitler didn't even come up with the title. It's laughable that they'd even suggest that.), let alone the Catholic Church's collaboration with Nazi Germany during and after the war. Instead, we get a speech by the narrator about how religion is all about good, love, light, baby animals and spring days.

I find it quite disgusting that anyone would go to such reaches as to revise history, admonish the guilty and condemn the innocent for the actions of those far removed from them just to serve an agenda. This film is utterly devoid of academic merit and is not the product of an honest, moral or particularly sane person.

ChristianSoapbox, I hope you only posted these videos in irony and know better than to take this stuff seriously.