Saturday, January 10, 2009

Is God imaginary?

Is God imaginary? -

Question: "Is God imaginary?"

Answer: is not the first to claim that God is imaginary. In an article entitled “Theology and Falsification” written many years ago, Anthony Flew, one of the twentieth century’s most outspoken atheists wrote,

Two explorers came upon a clearing in the jungle. In the clearing were growing many flowers and many weeds. One explorer says, “Some gardener must tend this plot.” The other disagrees, “There is no gardener.” So they pitch their tents and set a watch. No gardener is ever seen. . . . Yet still the believer is not convinced. “But there is a gardener, invisible, intangible, insensible to electric shocks, who comes secretly to look after the garden he loves.” At last the Skeptic despairs. “But what remains of the original assertion? Just how does what you call an invisible, intangible, eternally elusive gardener differ from an imaginary gardener or even from no gardener at all?” (Continued here)


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The person who wrote this rebuttal damages their own credibility early on as they cannot even keep the subject matter distinct in their own mind:

> The web site derides Christians for believing in magic, yet it embraces greater magic than anything found in the Bible – life just appearing out of nothing from non-life with no cause.

Almost immediately, they imply the causation of the big bang has something to do with evolution. It almost seems like a deliberate attempt to confuse the subject matter to confound readers and critics.

Oh, I should spare myself the headache and stop reading here:

> How can an impersonal, meaningless, purposeless, amoral universe accidentally create beings who are full of personality and obsessed with meaning, purpose, and morality?

Where do these assumptions of agency come from? He just pulls these ideas out of thin air and parades them around as if they are of some intellectual substance. I've met 12-year-olds with a better ability to contextualise their own emotions than this person.

I mean it, I'm going to stop here:

> Further, intelligence doesn’t arise from non-intelligence, which is why even Richard Dawkins (noted atheist) and Francis Crick (co-discoverer of DNA) admit that intelligence had to engineer DNA and life on earth – they just say it was a superior alien race who seeded the earth, which of course, begs the question of who engineered that superior alien race.

No doubt, Richard Dawkins would be very angry if he read this. It's a blatant misrepresentation of what he's said.

I suspect this is the interview from which the author of this rebuttal derived his strawmen:

Listen to it for yourself. "I don't really believe that's happened on this planet. I don't think Francis Crick did, either".

To misinterpret those statements in such a way, it either takes someone with a primary-school level of comprehension or someone with a very impassioned axe to grind and no gumption about dishonesty.

I'm not going to read any further than that. This person's utterly detestable behaviour has destroyed any interest I have in what they have to say.